Friday, 29 December 2017

 StreetArtGlobe (@streetartglobe) le

Monday, 25 December 2017

Friday, 22 December 2017


Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Friday, 20 October 2017

Psalm 23:4~♪♫♪

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 

I fear no evil; 

for Thou art with me; 

Thy rod & Thy staff, 

they comfort me...

Monday, 11 September 2017

Monday, 4 September 2017

"When people are so identified with their collective belief system, their ego becomes enormously pronounced. This collective ego begins looking for "enemies" in order to strengthen the sense of separateness on which the ego depends for its survival.
The personal ego already has a strong element of dysfunction, but the collective ego is, frequently, even more dysfunctional, to the point of absolute insanity. The greatest atrocities that have been committed on the planet were perpetrated by the collective ego... "

"...When people get taken over by the ego to such an extent, there is nothing else in their mind except the ego. They can no longer feel or sense their humanity -- what they share with other human beings, or even with other life forms on the planet. They are so identified with concepts in their minds that other human beings become concepts as well. This causes a sense of separateness, on which the ego thrives."
Interview series "Changing the World From Within", Eckhart Tolle

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Friday, 11 August 2017

He is the Infinite sphere whose center is everywhere...

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Friday, 28 July 2017

Never felt the need to get better at expressing 
all the rest of emotions' spectrum 
i do keep inside other than good cheer...
if it were not for being the "lightening-up-the mood-pro" , 
i'd definitely be a walking vulcan...
Still don't feel the need to it 
cuz God always pick up da 📱  to all my prayers as well as my drivels~♪♫♪

Emanuel Swedenborg’s "Journal of Dreams"

dude was prolific writer in Latin but came to this one &... :p
hope those suomenruotsi past learnings will help~ XD

Sunday, 23 July 2017



 while #Fresh straight outta fig tree 
2 the


#sweet #juicy & #organic 

Saturday, 22 July 2017

How to be a Poet (to remind myself)...

by Wendell Berry 

Make a place to sit down. 
Sit down. 
Be quiet. 
You must depend upon 
skill...more of each 
than you have...inspiration 
growing older, 
for patience joins time 
to eternity… 

Breathe with unconditional breath 
the unconditioned air. 
Shun electric wire. 
Communicate slowly. 
Live a three-dimensional life; 
stay away from screens... 

Stay away from anything 
that obscures the place it is in. 
There are no unsacred places; 
there are only sacred places 
& desecrated places. 

Accept what comes from silence. 
Make the best you can of it. 
Of the little words that come 
out of the silence, 
like prayers 
prayed back to the one who prays, 
make a poem that does not disturb 
the silence from which it came. 

Thursday, 20 July 2017

The Brain – is wider than the Sky –

THE BRAIN is wider than the sky,
  For, put them side by side,
The one the other will include
  With ease, & you beside.

The brain is deeper than the sea,       
  For, hold them, blue to blue,
The one the other will absorb,
  As sponges, buckets do.

The brain is just the weight of God,
  For, lift them, pound for pound,        
& they will differ, if they do,
  As syllable from sound.

Emily Dickinson-''Complete Poems''' (Part One: Life-CXXVI)

Monday, 17 July 2017


but it's much fresher outside now...

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Total Recall 2070 serie (1999)- final episode

After Hume nearly dies trying to interface with Farve's backup memory banks, Farve finally takes Hume to meet the alpha-android's creator...


Sunday, 9 July 2017

Les étoiles-extraits-

''Il est pour la pensée une heure... une heure sainte, 
Alors que, s'enfuyant de la céleste enceinte, 
De l'absence du jour pour consoler les cieux, 
Le crépuscule aux monts prolonge ses adieux. 
On voit à l'horizon sa lueur incertaine, 
Comme les bords flottants d'une robe qui traîne, 
Balayer lentement le firmament obscur, 
Où les astres ternis revivent dans l'azur. 
Alors ces globes d'or, ces îles de lumière, 
Que cherche par instinct la rêveuse paupière, 
Jaillissent par milliers de l'ombre qui s'enfuit 
Comme une poudre d'or sur les pas de la nuit ; 
Et le souffle du soir qui vole sur sa trace, 
Les sème en tourbillons dans le brillant espace. 
L'oeil ébloui les cherche et les perd à la fois ; 
Les uns semblent planer sur les cimes des bois, 
Tel qu'un céleste oiseau dont les rapides ailes 
Font jaillir en s'ouvrant des gerbes d'étincelles. 
D'autres en flots brillants s'étendent dans les airs, 
Comme un rocher blanchi de l'écume des mers ; 
Ceux-là, comme un coursier volant dans la carrière, 
Déroulent à longs plis leur flottante crinière ; 
Ceux-ci, sur l'horizon se penchant à demi, 
Semblent des yeux ouverts sur le monde endormi, 
Tandis qu'aux bords du ciel de légères étoiles 
Voguent dans cet azur comme de blanches voiles 
Qui, revenant au port, d'un rivage lointain, 
Brillent sur l'Océan aux rayons du matin.

De ces astres brillants, son plus sublime ouvrage, 
Dieu seul connaît le nombre, et la distance, et l'âge ; 
Les uns, déjà vieillis, pâlissent à nos yeux, 
D'autres se sont perdus dans les routes des cieux, 
D'autres, comme des fleurs que son souffle caresse, 
Lèvent un front riant de grâce et de jeunesse, 
Et, charmant l'Orient de leurs fraîches clartés, 
Etonnent tout à coup l'oeil qui les a comptés. 
Dans la danse céleste ils s'élancent... et l'homme, 
Ainsi qu'un nouveau-né, les salue, et les nomme. 
Quel mortel enivré de leur chaste regard, 
Laissant ses yeux flottants les fixer au hasard, 
Et cherchant le plus pur parmi ce choeur suprême, 
Ne l'a pas consacré du nom de ce qu'il aime ? 
Moi-même... il en est un, solitaire, isolé, 
Qui, dans mes longues nuits, m'a souvent consolé, 
Et dont l'éclat, voilé des ombres du mystère, 
Me rappelle un regard qui brillait sur la terre. 
Peut-être ?... ah ! puisse-t-il au céleste séjour 
Porter au moins ce nom que lui donna l'Amour !"

Recueil : Nouvelles méditations poétiques (1823)

Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)

Friday, 7 July 2017

Monday, 3 July 2017

"...For, at whatever instant a thing exists, at that instant it can begin to act, as is clear in the case of all things that come to be by generation: in the very instant at which there is fire, the fire heats. But in an instantaneous action, the beginning & the end of the action are simultaneous, indeed identical, as is clear in the case of all indivisible things. Hence, at whatever moment an agent instantaneously producing an effect exists, the end of its action can exist as well. The end of the action, however, is simultaneous with the thing made. Therefore, there is no contradiction if we suppose that a cause instantaneously producing an effect does not precede its effect in time. A contradiction does obtain if the cause involved is one that produces its effects through motion, for the beginning of the motion precedes in time the end of the motion. Since people are accustomed to considering the type of cause that produces effects through motion, they do not easily grasp that an agent cause may fail to precede its effect in time, & so, having limited experience, they easily make a false generalization.

Nor can the conclusion be avoided by saying that God is an agent cause that acts voluntarily, for neither the will nor the voluntary agent need precede its effect in time, unless the agent cause acts from deliberation, which we take to be absent in God.

Further, a cause that produces the whole substance of a thing does not, in producing a whole substance, act in a less perfect way than does a cause that produces just a form in producing the form. On the contrary, it acts in a much more perfect way, since it does not act by educing from the potentiality of matter, as do causes that merely produce forms. However, some causes that produce just forms are such that, whenever the cause exists, the form produced by it exists as well, as is clear in the case of illumination by the sun. Therefore, much more can God, who produces the whole substance of things, make something caused by him exist whenever he himself exists.

Further, if, granted a cause, its effect does not immediately exist as well, this can only be because something complementary to that cause is lacking: the complete cause & the thing caused are simultaneous. God, however, never lacks any kind of complementary cause in order to produce an effect. Therefore, at any instant at which God exists, so too can his effects, & thus God need not precede his effects in time.

Further, the will of the voluntary agent in no way diminishes his power, & this is especially true with God. But all those who try to answer the arguments of Aristotle (who held that something caused by God had always existed, since like always makes like) say that the conclusion would follow if God were not a voluntary agent. Therefore, allowing that God is a voluntary agent, it still follows that he can make something that he has made never fail to exist. Thus, although God cannot make contradictories true, we have shown that there is no contradiction in saying that an agent cause does not precede its effect in time..."

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Monday, 26 June 2017

Change your opinions, keep to your principles; 
change your leaves, keep intact your roots. 
V .Hugo- 

A people that values its privileges 
above its principles soon loses both. 
D D. Eisenhower






"L' Homme qui rit" by Victor Hugo

Saturday, 24 June 2017

"...for slaves obey commands & free men live as they like; but this idea is based on a misconception, for the true slave is he who is led away by his pleasures & can neither see what is good for him nor act accordingly: he alone is free who lives with free consent under the entire guidance of reason."

excerpt from Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (1670)
Benedictus "Baruch" Spinoza

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine& shadows will fall behind you. "Walt Whitman

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Ad sanctitatis tuae pedes, 
dulcissima Virgo Maria, 
corpore prostratus et corde, 
supplex oro ut aliquid a te rogare me doceas, 
quod te audire et Filium exaudire delectet. 

Indignus sum gratia et cunctis 
miserationibus tuis minor, 
peccatis meis obstantibus. 

A te, Sanctissima, 
audiri et a Filio tuo benignissimo 
exaudiri non mereor. 

Noli tamen ad te clamantem 
et vitam emendare cupientem pia repellere 
quae manum gratiae porrigere 
soles ad te suspiranti. 

Memorare, piissima, 
non esse auditum a saeculo, 
quemquam ad tua currentem praesidia aut tua 
petentem suffragia a te derelictum. 

Tali animatus confidentia ad te, Virgo Maria, 

confugio, ad te curro, ad te venio, 
coram te gemens et tremens assisto. 

Noli, Virgo Immaculata, 
a me peccatore faciem tuam abscondere, 
sed ad me clementer respice.

Noli, Mater Verbi, 
mea despicere verba, 
sed audi propitia 
et exaudi oris mei verba.

 Noli, mater omnium, 
ab omni benignitate tua me excludere, 
sed benigne fac mecum propter 
nomen tuum sanctum. 

Noli, mater gratiae, 
Filii tui gratiam mihi denegare, 
sed gratifica me gratiae illi quem tu, 
gratia plena, peperisti.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017