Friday, 24 June 2016

Saturday, 18 June 2016

The rabbits though and thought...

"If we're normal and Leo is normal, 

then normal is whatever you are!”

 --- Leo the Lop

Monday, 6 June 2016

Emily Strange (Creator Rob Reger)

Emily is "Goth" 13-year-old girl 
dressed in all-black  
& a pair women's Mary Janes.
She is rebellious, 
 at school, has no friends
& completely fine with it.

Her favorite subjects are Maths & Science.
no one & nothing has grip on her


Her best friends are her four black cats : 

Mystery, Miles&Neechee Sabbath .


Emily has the power to predict the future 

thanks to her 8-ball.


Friday, 3 June 2016

Eyes Be Closed---→

XANNN from beeple on Vimeo.